Live as though you were going to die tomorrow, learn as though you were going to live forever -

Vive como si fueras a morir mañana, aprende como si fueras a vivir para siempre


Piensa, cree, sueña y atrévete.

Think, believe, dream and dare.
Walt Disney
9:42 | Author: La Vuelta al Mundo de Dan y David
Finally we were able to leave Fundong on our own.  There aren't many white people around here and we are kind of attraction and we can't go anywhere on  our own.

We took a taxi to Belo to meet the other volunteers.  In the taxi on the way home, as per usual it was filled with the standard 7 passengers plus driver (the number permitted by the police at their roadside controls or bribe points).  But it seems that the police don't work after 6pm,  so when the taxi stopped mid-journey the driver opened up the boot and another man got in the boot with the boot door open.  5 minutes later another stop to pick up another 2 people who got in the boot, total 11 people in a hatchback!

Unfortunately we didn't have  the camera to hand, we couldnt actually move to get at it, so we haven't got a photo, but you can imagine the sight.
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