9:35 |
Author: La Vuelta al Mundo de Dan y David

Dan began to get paranoid when we were in Limbe. The Spanish people we met there spoke to us about the Tumbu and their experiences with the bug "If you squeeze it it pokes its head out and waves". It gets under your skin, moves around and reproduces if you don't stop it quickly.
Those of you who know Dan will know that she hates all types of insect, parasite or any other similar being.
A week after returnig from Limbe Dan was complaining of a bite on her foot. It was a bit infected so, as is usual for her, she grabbed something her mother had given her from the first aid kit and put it on the bite. The ointment comes from Pakistan, smells of Deep Heat and says on the label it is good for all ills.
After rubbing it in, with a worried look on her face she asked me "David, it won't be that horrible worm thing, will it? To which I replied "Of course not! How is it going to be the worm thing". However, I really didn't have the slightest idea, especially seeing as the spot was no longer a spot but a hard, long lump.
Yesterday in the office she was continuously scratching her foot. Samuel, our old neighbor looked at he foot and said "I think it's a Jigger"... This is another parasite seen in the dry season in our region. It gets into the foot by penetrating the skin. What had he said??!! You can imagine the panic attack she had. A circle soon formed, with everyone in the office looking on. Patience trying to get the thing out with a needle, while Dan was squeezing my hand as if it was a delivery room! Fidelia, Samuel and Faith, Fidelias small daughter all observing.
In the end there was no Jigger or parasite, just an infected bite. From now on Dan won't be wearing flipflops again, not even at the beach.
Comment from Dan... I can see you all laughing now, but I like to see your reaction with a live worm thing living under your skin!
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