Live as though you were going to die tomorrow, learn as though you were going to live forever -

Vive como si fueras a morir mañana, aprende como si fueras a vivir para siempre


Piensa, cree, sueña y atrévete.

Think, believe, dream and dare.
Walt Disney
4:47 | Author: La Vuelta al Mundo de Dan y David
We spent the night at a 'rest house' where other volunteers are staying, people start warning us about how hard Cameroon can be.

Our 'short' journey to Fundong is our next experience.  After waiting almost an hour for the taxi to fill, literally speaking that is, as it didn't leave until 7 passengers had taken their seats.  Us two, our guide, a guy with a load of bread, a granny with a bucket full of bananas, a busineess suited guy and our luggage (4 suitcases and 2 backpacks).  Finally we made it to Fundong with the underparts of the car scraping along the floor.

We've spent the morning meeting the people from Berudep who we'll be working with here, there seems no rush to begin work.

We'll leave you with photos of our new house- a gas riing, cold water and power cuts from dusk, basically just when you need electricity.

I'm afraid that you'll have to see the photos in the Spanish version of this web page as internet conection here is extremely slow to load photos.
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