Live as though you were going to die tomorrow, learn as though you were going to live forever -

Vive como si fueras a morir mañana, aprende como si fueras a vivir para siempre


Piensa, cree, sueña y atrévete.

Think, believe, dream and dare.
Walt Disney
5:02 | Author: La Vuelta al Mundo de Dan y David
First meeting the widows group who come once a week for ´Health Talks´.  They are really friendly and funny, each time we say some words in their Kom language they start laughing!

After, we organised for electricity to be set up in the widow's and orphan's classroom, set up a work space for a computer table and made the woman in charge throw away papers piled up since 1998.  Although she obviously didn´t much feel like working as after 30 minutes she said she was tired and would finish on Monday (just like Spain!)

David has now gone almost a week without beer, but today we'll finish off the bottle of whiskey we brought with us...

In the cyber cafe, we were preparing a mail but power cut off once again, so we've decided now that we'll prepare everything at home by candle light to send later-see photos.
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